Mokesčių Grąžinimas / Metinis Pajamų Deklaravimas
Mokesčiu grąžinimas, bei metiniu pajamu deklaravimas už praėjusius finansinius metus yra privalomas kiekvienam Anglijoje savarankiškai dirbančiam asmeniui ir priduodamas laikotarpyje nuo Balandžio 6d iki Sausio 31d. Suvėlavus, skiriama bauda £100, kuri vėliau didėja.
Mokesčių permoka susidaro, jei:
Pajamas privaloma deklaruoti:
Self-Assessment & Tax Return
In the United Kingdom the tax year runs from 6th April to the following 5th April. So, each year after the 5th of April, all self-employed persons are obliged to complete their Self -Assessment Tax Return, and the window closes on the 31st of January the following year. If delayed, a penalty of £100 will be issued, and will increase in case of further delays.
You might be eligible for a tax refund if one of the following applies to you:
A Self-Assessment needs to be submitted :
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Lietcentre Ltd
1st Floor, 359 High Street
Stratford, London
E15 4QZ
United Kingdom